New work coming soon!
I just completed a couple projects for Jansport, yeah you know the backpack folks, and will be posting it as soon as I can catch my breath! Check out the link to the homepage and look for the rotating banner ad for Forecastle. That’s mine! More pics of the tent artwork and event signage to come soon! Stay tuned!
Well, well, well … It just so happens that I’m in the market for a new backpack. I’m going to wait for your design now, though. Can’t wait!
I am designing backpacks, but unfortunately I am not. I did some design for an event called Forecastle, a music fest in Louisville. Jansport had a tent setup at the festival so I did the tent exterior graphics, event signage, t-shirts and the web banner to display on Jansport’s homepage. If you click on the banner you can see more about the event.