Hampton GM Website

About the Project:
Hampton is a global chain of hotels and in 2014 they are holding their general managers conference. While attendance is mandatory, GM's are required to go to the website and sign up and pay to attend the conference. The goal was to create an interactive hub to engage users and create excitement leading up to the conference.
The goal was achieved by infusing the Hamptonality personality into every element of the design. Interactive games and features, such as trivia questions, were rolled out every 4 weeks before the conference to encourage GMs to return to the site and get excited for the upcoming event.
This custom bootstrap, responsive website went on to win top honors in "Best Event Campaign Microsite/Web Page/Hub" at the 2014 Event Technology awards.
My Role:
I was the sole designer responsible for the branding and web design of the conference. I concepted content, wireframed and designed the user experience and every page of the website, while working closely with project managers, frontend and backend developers.